Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum offers guests to learn about the Florida environment that include habitats and plants, the Gulf Stream and more. The 250,000-square-foot museum includes a “green roof” that is a natural learning environment designed. This project used several different types of roofing systems. Installed by Best Roofing, the green roof poses a special waterproofing challenge because they are not visible. Typically, they include penetrations, pipes or support anchors for utilities such as railings. The reinforced membrane system is pre-applied around drains and penetrations before applying to the field, so the areas that might be a prime source of leaks are doubly protected. There is a concrete structural deck, then the insulation, then the waterproofing membrane system. “With the open-air design, there are outdoor terraces on every level, and those are spilt slab, topping slab, with the waterproofing in between. So, you have a concrete slab, and then the waterproofing, which is sloped with a drainage mat, and a topping slab on top”. “Above the exterior exhibit space with the various open-air aquaria there is a concrete canopy, a thin concrete slab protected by a liquid-applied waterproofing traffic deck. The planetarium is also a pre-cast concrete with exterior waterproofing.” Frost Science is pursuing others involved in creating a better future f or the planet.