Gregg Wallick
President & CEO of Best Roofing Inc.
As a former captain of the Miami Hurricanes football team, Gregg believes the principles that were taught and the ambitions that were fueled back in college still hold true. The qualities of dreaming, reaching for and achieving success that are fundamental to excelling in sports translate perfectly into the business world and life in general. Under Gregg's leadership, Best Roofing has grown into one of the largest, highly respected commercial roofing companies in South Florida. Since 1978, the team at Best Roofing continues to share that same enthusiasm and passion for achieving success.
Gregg is a University of Miami graduate, holding both his undergraduate degree in Business Administration as well as his MBA. Professionally, Gregg has served as the past director of the National Roofing Contractors Association and retains his state roofing contractors license. He is a frequent speaker at industry events. Gregg has long been an active member of many non-profit organizations and currently serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees for two Florida universities.
Gregg Wallick is a state-certified provider of CAM credits and teaches commercial roofing classes throughout the year. Gregg has more than 30 years of roofing experience and is considered the "go to" guy in roofing.
Gregg is especially proud of being a husband and the father of six children, three dogs, and five cats. He and his wife, Liz, live in Plantation.